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Helping Hands - Spring 2022 Edition - 4 of 4


– Sold Out

**This product will not be shipped with any other items. It will need its own box for the safety of the art and anything else you may be ordering. If you order anything at the same time it will come in a different box.**

Hello, do you need a hand? Maybe two? We can help!

These are our Helping Hands, a sculpture intended to help you display your favorite possessions on a flat surface of your choosing! These sparkling sculptures, cast in urethane resin and painted with acrylic paint, are intended to help you highlight the crown jewel of your collection (sufficed it fits within the grip of the delicate claws). These are a limited run and no two are exactly alike!

This listing is for Helping Hands 4 of 4, the green hands. You will receive the hands shown in the first 5 photos.

Some warnings before we go further!

1) THESE ARE NOT INTENDED TO GO INTO YOUR BODY! Please do not put them into your body, they are NOT SAFE for that! These are made of urethane resin, which should NOT GO INTO YOUR BODY! NOT BODY SAFE! PLEASE DO NOT!

2) They are currently a little smelly. The varnish we used on the wood is still a little stinky, though that will decrease with time. For now, they should be put in a well ventilated place so that your home doesn't end up smelling too much like varnish. I would have liked to let these sit longer before shipping them, but we had to RACE to get them done and there just wasn't time.

3) I don't believe there should be any problem with silicone touching the acrylic spray we coated these in, but just to be sure I recommend placing a bit of cloth between the toy you're displaying and the hands themselves. This is recommended out of caution! We've had toys in contact with them without any issue, but I'd much rather play it safe and not ruin a nice toy. Now, if you want to display something that's not going into your body, you probably don't need to be so careful. The spray we used is the same thing we coat our master sculpts with, so it's not something silicone hates. 

4) Though we made the claws as blunt as we could, there is still a possibility that if they press into super soft or soft silicone they can do some damage. Medium and firm are much safer, but still exercise caution when pressing toys up against the claws for an extended period of time.

These sculptures are made with Smooth Cast 326, a urethane resin made by Smooth-On. We color them with the same cosmetic micas we use in our toys. They have been washed with acrylic ink to help highlight the details on the sculpt, then the jewelry was painted with acrylic paints. The plaque was laser etched and washed with a varnish to protect and spiffy up the color. The hands have been sprayed with an acrylic sealant to help protect the surface, but the paint may still chip if you're not careful. 

These hands were designed by me (Meesh), but they were sculpted by the amazingly skilled Thomas Guillory (nevermind3d -